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Feeling Alone?

awareness choices journaling struggle Feb 24, 2023

Are you struggling? Do you feel alone or separated from others right now? 

This might be hard to hear, but you're not alone. Whatever you're feeling or struggling with, whether it's fear of the unknown,, shame, embarrassment, a blow to your ego, losing a job, not getting that raise you wanted, or struggling with your relationship...these things happen, it's part of being human, and you don't have to suffer alone. 

Others have gone through these struggles too and have made it out the other side stronger than they were before. 

What if we looked at this struggle in another way? Instead of being a struggle that is happening to us, we look at it as an opportunity to learn, grow, and make us stronger, so we're prepared for bigger challenges in the future.

Struggles teach us real life lessons that can prepare us to be stronger physically and mentally, to give us empathy towards others who are going through similar situations, to prepare us to take that next bold step, and to level up even more in the future. 

In the midst of the struggle, it might not seem like there's a light at the end of the tunnel, and you may feel like a hot mess going through it, but there's always a silver lining, a lesson to be learned, and growth to be had, which ultimately makes you a better person to serve others. 

Good things also prepare you for good things in the future. You are always on a journey, and when you're doing the work on yourself, you're moving forward one step at a time. 

The question is, have you documented all of these things in your life, and have you reflected on what you've learned from them?

That's why journaling is so important. Not only does it help you capture your daily thoughts, experiences, and feelings, but it also helps you reflect on them, remember them, and look for more ways to have better moments in your life. You are more self aware, so can make better decisions, and have a happier life. 

Journal today: What did you learn about yourself last year, last month, and last week? 

You have power over your thoughts and your future. 

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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